Perfect Gifts for the Perfect Mom

The master statisticians here at Globalkitchen Japan have informed me that if you're searching for gifts for your mom, you probably love her.
My mother informs me that mothers like gifts, so it's a good idea to buy your mother a gift to show her you love her.
Yet, buying gifts can be hard. Nobody likes to give someone a gift and receive a half-hearted, "Thanks, I love it. No, really, I do."
You want to see tears of joy. You need mother to fall on the floor, weeping uncontrollably in a pool of her own tears. You need to hear the words, "I love you more than life itself. You're my favorite child."
We know. That's why you Googled us and found this article.
It's our responsibility to help you make you mother forget she even has other children, so we've curated a list of gifts that we sell that we believe have the potential to send your Japanese culture-loving mother to the moon this Mother's Day.
Noda Horo Enamel Kettle

If your mother likes hot water, then she might like this kettle. The Noda Horo Enamel Kettle holds 1.5 liters of liquid, is compatible with induction stovetops, and can be used both as a kettle or as a simple bottle.
Sori Yanagi Stainless Steel Induction Kettle

The Sori Yanagi Stainless Steel Induction Kettle is not only very handsome, but it can hold 2.5 liters of liquid, too. For heavy consumers of boiled water, this kettle is a work of art. Can you see tears welling up in Momma's eyes?
Yutaka Horo Plune Enameled Petit Milk Pan

Our friends at Yutaka Horo noticed that there was a world-wide shortage of milk pans and decided to do something about it. The beefy handle will provide your permanently ecstatic mother an unparalleled grip as she heats and serves delicious dairy beverages.
ZERO JAPAN Mino Ware Ceramic Tea Canister and Teapot

Mothers often collect a variety of different teas for every kind of emotional state. Earl Gray for when she feels decisive. Green tea for when she feels calm and rested. Cinnamon tea for when she's feeling a bit spicy.
Well, once you give her the ZERO JAPAN Mino Ware Teapot, she'll unlock a hitherto unknown emotional state: frenzied pride. I don't know what flavor of tea is appropriate for that emotion, but she'll need a new canister to store it in.
Sayamacha Japanese Fukamushi Sencha Green Tea

You know what, I lied. I know what flavor of tea she can put in that canister. Pre-fill it for her with Sayamacha sencha green tea and let her bathe in its essence every morning as a reminder of just how proud she is of you.
SEIKOU SHIKI-NO-HANA Kutani Porcelain Plates

Of course, not all moms can achieve bliss through hot beverages. Some need decorative-yet-utilitarian plates to send their souls into the cosmos. If your mother likes plates, the SEIKOU SHIKI-NO-HANA porcelain plates will make her have an out-of-body experience every time she lays her eyes on them.
hiracle Sakura Porcelain Collection

When your mother unwraps the magic of infinite Japanese spring, you'll need to gather the world's leading scientists to study and record the chemical reactions happening throughout her body. You'll also need to call a doctor to reattach her jaw.
Kutani Ware Porcelain Wine Glass Gindami

While many mothers like healthy teas, others prefer fermented fruit juices. If your mom likes to responsibly indulge in a bit of wine from time to time, give her the Kutani Ware Porcelain Wine Glass set, but not before you buy stocks in Kleenex.
KIMOTO GLASS TOKYO Edo Kiriko Pair Old Fashioned Glass Layered Yarai

We've been talking about your mom for a while now, but have you stopped to consider that your grandma is a mom, too? Don't you think she'll feel a bit left out if you don't purchase her an impossibly perfect gift from Globalkitchen Japan?
Buy grandma some luxurious old fashioned glasses to remind her to get you something extra nice for your birthday.

KIMOTO GLASS TOKYO Edo Kiriko Pair Old Fashioned Glass Layered Yarai
Click here for the product pageSori Yanagi Cast Iron Induction Mini Frying Pan

Do you want your mom to experience bliss on a morningly basis? Every mother loves a perfect fried eggs fried on a cast iron pan. The Sori Yanagi has pouring spouts on both sides for a buttery-smooth transition from pan to toast. With every egg, your mother will think, "My son/daughter is perfect."
FOREVER Sakura Cera Ceramic Kitchen Knife

If your mom has an allergy to metals common in kitchen knives, or she just hates when her knives start to rust, nothing will please her more than relieving her suffering with a FOREVER Sakura Cera ceramic knife.
Toribe Stainless Steel Take-Apart Kitchen Scissors

As your mother gets older, you need to begin to gently remind her of that time she said she was going to cut your siblings out of her last will and testament. A beautiful pair of Toribe stainless steel kitchen scissors strategically placed on top of said will and testament is a loving yet utilitarian reminder to show her she loves you the most.
Green Bell Takuminowaza Special Carburized Material Nail Clipper & Nail File Set

I've said it before and I'll say it again: don't trim your toe nails with your expensive Japanese cutlery. Tell your mom to stop it right now. Give her a set of nail clippers from Green Bell, give her a hug, and tell her everything will be okay. Her reaction may surprise you.

Green Bell Takuminowaza Special Carburized Material Nail Clipper & Nail File Set
Click here for the product pageMUSUBI Hime Musubi Adeline Klam Cotton Furoshiki

Whichever of the above gifts you give to your mom, her emotional reaction will be enhanced if you wrap it in an authentic Japanese furoshiki. It's like the MSG of gift wraps. Make sure to send her our guide to using furoshiki so that she can fully appreciate not only how amazing you are as a child, but how amazing Japanese culture is.
Globalkitchen Japan Gift Cards
Imagine: It's Mother's Day morning. You wake up and go into the kitchen. Your Japanese culture-loving mom is nursing a cup of black tea and daydreaming of a new life in Japan. You give her a hug. "Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Okaasan ga daisuki!" Oh, what a delight.
Then you gently push a handful of gift cards from Globalkitchen Japan onto the table in front of her. You watch as her eyes light up and her soul momentarily leaves her body.
"Globalkitchen Japan, banzai!" she yells as she takes a fist full of gift cards straight to her computer desk and pulls up the very site you are reading now. Oh, how many hours will she spend planning the perfect Japanese kitchen she is about to construct from that stack of black plastic?
Your Mother's Love, Guaranteed

Whatever Mother's Day gift you give, if it's from Globalkitchen Japan, you just know your mom is going to love it.